Year: 2000
USA: Columbia Pictures
Cast: Shane West, Christine Lakin, Marla Sokoloff, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, James Franco, Aaron Paul, Colin Hanks, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Julie Geary, Manu Intiraymi, Rachel Kaber, Eric Kushnick, Shyla Marlin, Brandon Molale, Mami Nakamura, Kip Pardue, Kevin Ruf, Richard Schiff, Julia Sweeney, Nicole Tarantini, Scott Vickaryous
Director: David Hubbard
Country: USA
USA Rated: PG-13 for thematic elements, sexual material and language
USA Release Date: 24 March 2000


Why should I study Gilmore High?" you might ask. "What's so special about this school?" Well, this is the place where the unthinkable actually happened.

Ryan Woodman (Shane West) , a geek, just like you and me (Floyd - Aaron Paul), well me anyway, actually got to play with the hottest and most popular girl in school.

If you're going to be really good at something, you've got to practise. Cosmo (Colin Hanks of Roswell High fame and a famous dad called Tom Hanks) and I learned that back in the day when we played ball. Practise, hard work and dedication got us where we are today.

Conquer the heart and you will have the body. If it happened at Gilmore, it can happen to you. If you are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make it happen.