Year: 2009
USA: Breaking Glass Pictures
Cast: Noel Palomaria, Tara Killian, Eva Frajko, Joaquin Garay III, Michael Waite, Nansi Aluka, Monique T Parent, P W Aubrey, Victoria DeMare, Laura Otis, Stuart Duckworth, Maria Spasso, Cheryl Dent, Craig Chapman, Kelsey Weeden, Harlene Marshall, Kevin Riddle, Amy Shelton White, Gina Black, Brandi Garay, Dennis Herrera, Raquel Palomaria, Greg Salman, Peter Stanovich, Mario Trejo, Ross Wright, Gene Ferreaud, Crystal Craft, Gwyn Chafetz, Angela Carole Brown, Ross Wright, Dr Susan Block, Linnea Quigley, Leslie Sandoval, Dan Acre, Lynn Odell, Paula Kay Perry
Director: John Huckert
Country: USA
USA: 107 mins
USA Rated: R
USA Release Date: 24 June 2011 (Limited Release)


"You never know who is watching."

The dark erotic thriller from the producers of HARD.

Hollis Parker (Noel Palomaria), a late night, internet/web radio presenter, still has many unanswered questions surrounding the mysterious murder of his fiance 4 years earlier. He hosts a program called Strangers Online, along with his co-host Mike (Joaquin Garay III). The sexy, irreverent show features everything from exhibitionists and wanna-be lesbians to desperate, masked cross-dressers and misfit miscreants.

Meanwhile, Karen (Tara Killian), a new intern at the station, is infatuated with Parker. Much to the dismay of his girlfriend, Laura (Eva Frajko), Karen is determined to be his girlfriend instead. However, when Parker proposes to Laura, Karen's obsession overcomes her and she will stop at nothing to become his new bride...

Featuring cameo performances by Linnea Quigley, Monique Parent, and world renowned sexologist Dr Susan Block.