Year: 2002
USA: Lions Gate
Cast: Steve James, Stephen Fielding, Tonya Gregory, Bernice Hagler, Verna Hagler, Brenda Hickam, Doug Hickam, Judy James
Director: Steve James
Country: USA
USA: 140 mins
USA Release Date: 11 April 2003 (Limited Release)
USA Release Date: 4 April 2003 (Limited Release - Los Angeles)
USA Release Date: 28 March 2003 (Limited Release - New York)


In 1995 director Steve James (HOOP DREAMS) returned to rural Southern Illinois to reconnect with Stevie Fielding, a troubled young boy he had been an 'Advocate Big Brother' to ten years earlier. He began a film - a search to discover the forces that had shaped his entire life. Part of the way through the filming, Stevie is arrested and charged with a serious crime that tears his family apart. What was to be a modest profile turns into an intimate four and a half year chronicle of Stevie, his broken family, the criminal justice system and the filmmaker himself, as they all struggle with what Stevie has done and who he has become.