Year: 1998
USA: ADV Films
Cast: Christopher Patton, Kevin Corn, Ted Pfister, Andy McAvin, Kelly Manison, Mike Kleinhenz, Spike Spencer, John Paul Spephard, John Swasey
Director: Hirotsugu Kawasaki
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese / English (dubbed version)
USA: 90 mins
USA Rated: R for violence
USA Release Date: 12 October 2001 (Limited Release - Los Angeles, New York, Texas)


At the top of the world, the ancient artefact known as NOAH'S ARK has been uncovered. Buried and forgotten since before the birth of history, it holds the potential to elevate its holder to the status of a god... or to wipe mankind from the face of the Earth in a second! Now a desperate battle erupts across the planet as two secret organisations race to recover the lost artefact - one seeking to destroy it, the other to enslave the human race! Monstrous half-human cyborgs face off against Earth's ultimate defenders, the secret organization known as ARCAM and their elite agents, the 'Spriggan', in an epic duel with the future of our species as the prize! From the ends of the Earth to the end of the planet itself, SPRIGGAN is the ultimate action adventure, a breathtaking tour de force of hyper kinetic storytelling and spectacular animation!

A Japanese Anime epic sci-fi thriller, directed by Hirotsuge Kawasaki with the English language adaptation produced by Matt Greenfield.