Year: 2010
USA: Freestyle Releasing
Cast: Shiloh Fernandez, Ashley Greene, Taylor Handley, Heath Freeman, Brett Cullen, James LeGros, Casey LaBow, Haley Ramm, A J Buckley, D W Moffett, Melinda McGraw, David Sullivan, Jacob Bertrand, Ellen Hollman, Heath Freeman, Krystal Mayo, Kent Jude Bernard, Anthony Burns, James Hebert, Caleb Michaelson, Rachael Lee Magill
Director: Anthony Burns
Country: USA
USA: 98 mins
USA Rated: PG-13 for violence, some sexuality, language, substance abuse and smoking - involving teens
USA Release Date: 13 May 2011 (Limited Release)


SKATELAND, set against the landscape of upstart malls, Jordache jeans and iconic hangouts, is as much a story about embracing who you are as it is about moving on. The personal drama marks the poignant transition of a group of high school friends into adulthood.

Set in the early 1980s, in small town Texas, it is genuine, touching and candid snapshot of the lives of a close-knit group of friends who are confronted with the realities of the precarious world around them. The film revolves around a charismatic young skating rink manager named Ritchie Wheeler (Shiloh Fernandez), brother and sister Brent and Michelle Burkham (Heath Freeman, Ashley Greene) and the legendary, wisecracking, Kenny Crawford (Taylor Handley) as their dreams and carefree lives start to fade into an uncertain future.