Year: 2001
USA: Indican Pictures
Cast: Eiji Okuda, Mayu Ozawa, Akira Shoji, Mari Natsuki, Hideo Murota
Director: Eiji Okuda
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese (English subtitles)
USA: 132 mins
USA Release Date: 26 August 2005 (Limited Release)
(in Japanese / English)


During a hot summer in a small town, Tomokawa (Eiji Okuda), a jaded middle-age cop, cycles around on his beat, setting up petty deals and seducing housewives. A beautiful young girl wakes him up in a cafe: "Would you like to have sex?"

She disappears from the hotel room later, but that was the beginning of their stormy affair. Both are searching for something in their wistful days. Yoko (Mayu Ozawa), the girl, falls deeply in love with him. Tomokawa in turn starts to lose his carefully cultivated cynicism, and starts obeying his impulses. They become drawn to each other physically and spiritually.

Their relationship becomes complicated as they discovers their lives are more closely intertwined than they thought.