Year: 2000
UK: Optimum Releasing
Cast: Anne Coesens, Michel Bompoil, Tony Todd, Quentin Rossi, Jacqueline Jehanneuf, Aladin Reibel, Valerie Vogt, Frederic Sauzay, Natalya Ermilova
Director: Virginie Wagon
Country: France
Language: French (English subtitles)
UK: 108 mins
UK Certificate: 18 contains strong sex and language
UK Release Date: 24 August 2001

(French Distributor)


Marie is 35 and she loves François, her husband of 12 years and they have a son Paul aged 2. François would like a second child but Marie is a little reluctant but she doesn't know why.

One morning she meets a Bill, a 50 year-old black American who doesn't speak much French and is very reclusive. At first he is difficult to talk to and she is a bit offended by his behaviour but then intrigued by him she tries to gauge him in conversation to prolong their meeting.

She finds an excuse to re-visit Bill and starts a torrid affair. Where will this lead Marie as she starts to discover her true self.