Year: 2007
USA: 3DD Entertainment
UK: Soda Pictures
Cast: Bradley Ayers, Frank Burns, Ruben Carbajal, Evan Freed, Haynes Johnson, Robert Blair Kaiser, Ed Lopez, Michael McCowan, Luke Putres, David Rabern, Paul Schrade, Munir Sirhan, Wayne Smith, Herbert Spiegel, Lawrence Teeter, Robert Walton
Archival footage of: Robert F Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan, Richard Helms
Director: Shane O'Sullivan
Country: UK
USA: 139 mins
UK: 102 mins
USA Release Date: 8 June 2008 (Digital release)
UK Release Date: 16 May 2008 (Limited Release - London, ICA)

UK Distributor


RFK MUST DIE: THE ASSASSINATION OF BOBBY KENNEDY is a new investigative documentary by Shane O'Sullivan and is a contemporary film that goes beyond conspiracy theories to present an insight into this assassination, as the 40th anniversary of the killing approaches. Director Shane O'Sullivan examines the case, calling on expert witnesses, revisiting old evidence and screening rare footage from the night of the shooting itself.

In 1968, five years after the assassination of his brother, President John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy ran for the White House. On June 4th, he won the California Democratic primary and looked set to challenge Nixon for the presidency. Just after midnight, he made a televised victory speech to his supporters at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. While he was walking through the hotel kitchen shaking hands with supporters, a man stepped out and fired. That man was 24 year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan, still serving a life sentence for the murder.

RFK MUST DIE: THE ASSASSINATION OF BOBBY KENNEDY examines the events of that night and presents compelling evidence that Sirhan did not act alone. Witnesses placed Sirhan several feet in front of Kennedy yet the fatal shot came from one inch behind. Even under hypnosis, Sirhan has never been able to remember the shooting. Leading psychiatrists believe he was a 'Manchurian Candidate', hypnotically
programmed to kill Kennedy or act as a decoy for the real assassin.

On the fortieth anniversary of the assassination, O'Sullivan goes beyond conspiracy theory to present convincing evidence that others were involved, raising the question: who really killed Bobby Kennedy?