Year: 2007
USA: Freestyle Releasing / First Look Studios
Cast: Amber Heard, Alexa Vega, Katrina Begin, Melonie Diaz, Charles Chen, Shahine Ezell, Lyndsy Fonseca, Aaron Himelstein, Max Hoffman, Wesley Jonathan, Brie Larson, Stella Maeve, Chris Marquette, Sean Marquette Leighton Meester, Marnette Patterson, John Robinson, Christopher Shand, Douglas Smith, Khlee Thomas, Josh Waters, Michael Welch, David Temple, Moira Kelly, Douglas Smith
Director: Jess Manafort
Country: USA
USA: 101 mins
USA Rated: R for pervasive drug and alcohol use, strong language and some sexual content - all involving teens
USA Release Date: 11 April 2008 (Limited Release - New York and Los Angeles)


REMEMBER THE DAZE covers a 24-hour period in 1999 in the lives of a group of teenagers, living in suburbia, who are living out their last memorable day of high school in the last year of the previous millennium.