Year: 2002
USA: Keystone Releasing
Cast: Natasha Lyonne, James Caan, Vinnie Jones, Vinny Argiro, Donnie Montemarano, Badja Djola, Miles Dougal, Nicole Jacobs, Ann Magnuson, Fayard Nicholas
Director: Adam Rifkin
Country: USA
USA: 87 mins
USA Rated: R for gritty violence, sexuality, language and some drug use
USA Release Date: 26 April 2002 (Limited Release - Los Angeles and New York)


Just released after spending the last seven years in jail, Tommy (Donnie Montemarano) looks up his partner-in-crime Mick (Vinny Argiro), who takes him to a shabby room at the dilapitated hotel called the Golden Eagle (frequented by prostitutes, pimps and elderly folk) in a downbeat area of Los Angeles.

Mick hatches a plan for them to escape from their present situation and make a new life working in Las Vegas. But Tommy isn't convinced and gets mixed up with Amber, a prostitute (Natasha Lyonne), who has a vicious pimp called Rodan (Vinnie Jones) just looking for trouble. Events take a turn for the worst which threatens Mick's dream of a better life for himself and fellow ex-con Tommy.