Year: 2000
USA: Zeitgeist Films
UK: FilmFour
Cast: Veronica Zilkova, Jan Harti, Kristina Adamcova, Pavel Novy, Jaroslava Kretschmerova, Joseph Cahill, Tomas Hanak, Dagmar Stribrna
Director: Jan Svankmajer
Country: Czech Republic / UK / Japan
Language: Czech (English subtitles)
USA: 127 mins
UK: 131 mins
UK Certificate: 15 contains moderate bloody horror
USA Release Date: 19 December 2001 (Limited Release - New York)
UK Release Date: 26 October 2001


Bozena (Veronika Zilkova) and Karel (Jan Hartl) are a childless couple, pronounced infertile by a doctor which leaves Bozena distraut and her husband Karel suffers from fleeting hallucinations. One day Karel digs up a stump in their garden that vaguely resembles a baby. Cleaning it up, he presents it to his wife, hoping it will distract her. Fool! Instead, her obsession is heightened. After faking a pregnancy, Bozena starts to wheel the stump round in a pram. However the stump begins to move, demanding to be fed and even growing.

Named Otik the appetite of the monster child becomes increasing bizarre and worrying. Milk just isn't enough. First, the family cat is scoffed and soon after Karel and Bozena come home to find the remains of the postman. As Otik begins to eat various people, the story tips further and further into horror.