aka I AM YOU

Year: 2009
USA: IFC Films
Cast: Guy Pearce, Sam Neill, Miranda Otto, Ruth Bradley, Justine Clarke, Rebecca Gibney, Kate Bell, Khan Chittenden, Steven Vidler, Dena Kaplan
Director: Simone North
Country: Australia
USA: 104 mins
USA Rated: Unrated
USA Release Date: 11 February 2011 (Limited Release)


A true story, 19 year-old Caroline is consumed with self-loathing. In a premeditated plan she targets 15 year-old Rachel Barber (Kate Bell), a girl she sees as “perfect”; and everything she is not - beautiful, self-assured and happy. Caroline stalks her prey and object of desire, abducting Rachel whom she then murders.

The disappearance of Rachel galvanises her parents (played by Guy Pearce and Miranda Otto) into action to find their missing daughter, as well as her boyfriend who joins in the search. Despite police indifference, they mount a very public campaign to find her. Ultimately they succeed, but tragically “bring her home” to be laid to rest.