Year: 2010
USA: Freestyle Releasing
Cast: Mike Huckabee, Stephen Moore, Michael Reagan, William Voegeli, Star Parker, Kenneth Blackwell, Edwin Meese lll, Thad McCotter, Newt Gingrich, Lee Edwards, Pete Wilson, Steve Forbes, Gary Bauer, Kate Obenshain, Chris Edwards, David M. McIntosh, Lila Rose, John Stossel, Allen Icet, Rob Schaaf, John Stossel, Tom McClintock, Andrew Breitbart, George Runner, Alison Fraser
Director: Ray Griggs
Country: USA
USA: 92 mins
USA Rated: PG for thematic elements, brief language and smoking
USA Release Date: 15 October 2010


Your money. You work hard for it, it goes into your pocket, and then it flies out of your pocket into someone else’s, namely an overweight government that gives it away as if it was its own. What’s happening here, and how can this out-of-control system be changed? That’s the question explored in Ray Griggs’ documentary I WANT YOUR MONEY, which takes a conservative view that the big-government approach to leadership of the Obama administration is a failure, destroying prosperity by redistributing it rather than cultivating its growth.