Year: 1999
USA: Lot 47 Films
Cast: Hoyt Richards, Michael Parducci, Peter Jacobson, John Fiore, Teresa DePriest, Bill Cohen, Jonathan Hogan, John DiResta, Judy Prescott, Kerr Smith
Director: Christopher Livingston
Country: USA
USA: 88 mins
USA Rated: R for language, sexual content and some violent images
USA Release Date: 9 March 2001 (Limited Release - Los Angeles and New York)


Alex Andero (Michael Parducci) is a big fan of the movies but his day job is working in a New York coffeehouse. He's a huge fan of action star Jagger Stevens (Hoyt Richards) and irritates his uncle who works at a Hollywood studio with script ideas starring Jagger. All of a sudden the studio contact Alex for more of his work, but he has never written a screenplay only had ideas. Through a series of events Alex meets Elliot Springer (Peter Jacobson), a gay playright, at his coffeehouse who is attracted to a waiter Joey (Kerr Smith) who also works there. Alex and Elliot team up to write a screenplay.