Year: 2005
USA: Picture This! Entertainment
Cast: Aron Tager, P J Lazic, D Garnet Harding, Darryn Lucio, Caroline Lesley
Director: Armen Kazazian
Country: Canada
USA: 16 mins
USA Release Date: 18 August 2006 (Limited Release - Los Angeles)
USA Release Date: 21 July 2006 (Limited Release - New York)

US Distributor

Jay (P J Lazic) is a 20 year-old street hustler who is being supported by Calvin (Aron Tager), a 70 year-old artist who is going blind. Calvin dictates precise instructions to Jay in order to complete the painting in his head, but the communication fails and frustrates them both. Before being sent out for supplies, Jay retaliates by allowing Calvin to burn himself on his morning coffee.

Jay resists the temptation to join the other street hustlers he passes, who in turn scoff at him. But when he is humiliated at the art store, he is driven back to the streets, and spends the day doing drugs and having rough sex with another hustler, Ken (G Garnet Harding). As Jay indulges in this self-abuse, Calvin, isolated in his home, begins to refine the vision in his mind.

Resenting the salvation offered to Jay, Ken implies how easy it would be for Jay to assault and rob Calvin. Horrified by his rising demons, Jay leaves to return to the safety of Calvin's home.