Year: 2004
USA: Palm Pictures
Cast: John Leguizamo, Leonor Watling, Damian Alcazar, Jose Maria Yazpik, Alfred Molina, Gloria Leyton
Director: Sebastian Cordero
Countries: Mexico / Ecuador
Language: Spanish (English subtitles)
USA: 108 mins
USA Rated: R for violence, a scene of sexuality, and language
USA Release Date: 8 July 2005 (Limited Release)


How far will a journalist go to get the story? Starring John Leguizamo as the man faced with this dilemma, CRÓNICAS is a suspenseful thriller that questions who the true monster is: the criminal, the media, or our society?

The official Oscar selection from Ecuador in the Best Foreign Language Film category, CRÓNICAS is the gripping new crime drama from sophomore writer/director Sebastian Cordero (RATAS, RATONES, RATEROS).

Produced by acclaimed filmmakers Alfonso Cuaron (Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN) and Guillermo del Toro (HELL BOY, MIMIC) CRÓNICAS stars John Leguizamo (Golden Globe nominee for Best Supporting Actor in TO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! JULIE NEWMAR) as Manolo Bonilla, a star reporter for a Miami-based tabloid TV show, who is determined to unearth a serial killer in a small town in Ecuador. But how far will Manolo go to get the story?

An examination of journalistic ethics, the film explores the willingness of the media to surrender its morals for a shot at fame and profit.