Year: 2004
USA: Magnolia Pictures
UK: Tartan Films
Cast: (featuring appearances by) Hassan Ibrahim, Samir Khader, Lt. Josh Rushing, Omar Al-Issawi, Eid Al-Shammre, Tarek Ayoub, Jamil Azar, President George W Bush, Gen. Vincent Brooks, Mohammed Burini, Catherine Green, Omar Hammad, Kubeisi, Mohamed Jasem, Deema Khatib, Nabeel Khoury, Lt. Kitchens, Tom Mintier, Kelly O'Donnel, Hassan Rachidi, Donald Rumsfeld, Abdallah Schleifer, David Shuster, Lt. Frank Thorpe, Moafak Tawfik, Joanne Tucker, Lt. Stuart Upton, Lt. Wilkinson
Director: Jehane Noujaim
Countries: USA / Egypt
USA: 84 mins
UK: 89 mins
USA Release Date: 21 May 2004 (Limited Release - New York)
UK Release Date: 23 July 2004 (Limited Release -London)


CONTROL ROOM, by Jehane Noujaim (STARTUP.COM), an award-winning Arab-American filmmaker who has lived within and embraced both worlds, re-examines what is perhaps the pressing question of: "is America radicalizing or stabilizing the Arab world?" By providing his view of Al-Jazeera's presentation of the second Iraq war to their worldwide Arab audience, it calls into question many of the prevailing images and positions offered up by the US news media.