Year: 2004
USA: First Look Pictures
Cast: Billy Bob Thornton, Lisa Blount, Ray McKinnon, Walt Goggins, Harry Dean Stanton, Harry J. Lennix, Johnny Galecki, Grace Zabriskie, James Intveld, Kathryn Howell, Colin Fickes, Max Kasch. Ed Corbin, Eddie King
Director: Ray McKinnon
Country: USA
USA: 120 mins
USA Rated: R for sexuality, nudity, drug content, violence and language
USA Release Date: 8 April 2005 (Limited Release)


CHRYSTAL is the story of a physically and emotionally damaged woman who is reunited with her husband, Joe. Sixteen years earlier, while being chased by the law, Joe plunged the family car off a dark mountain road with Chrystal and their young son inside. Chrystal was left behind with a broken neck, Joe was sent to prison, and the boy was never found. Still inhabited by pain all these years later, Chrystal faces Joe, who has returned home from prison seeking to put back together the life that no longer exists. Together they must confront the past in order to discover their future.

As Chrystal and Joe slowly reach out to one another, events once again conspire to tear them apart. Chrystal's feisty mother, Gladys (Grace Zabriskie) disapproves of Joe and his return. An old enemy named Snake, (writer/director Ray McKinnon), a gnarly, crank-snorting drug dealer, sees Joe as a threat and seeks to reel him in or take him out.

Into this world of poverty, drugs, and at times, hilarious hillbilly hijinks comes Kalid (Harry Lennix), a blind African-American musicologist from Chicago who is studying the native mountain music of the region. It is through Kalid that Chrystal rekindles her forgotten love of her mountain roots, the mysteries of the land—its poetry, magic, music and history. But it is only through Joe, and his astonishing gesture, that Chrystal is able to truly renew her broken spirit. Also starring are co-producer Walton Goggins, Harry Dean Stanton, and James Intveld as a quiet, good-hearted sheriff.

Ray McKinnon, who wrote, directed and starred in the Oscar-winning short THE ACCOUNTANT, makes his feature film debut with CHRYSTAL, starring his wife and co-producer, actress Lisa Blount (BOX OF MOONLIGHT, AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN) in the title role and Billy Bob Thornton as her husband, Joe. Set in the Ozark mountains, CHRYSTAL combines red-dirt realism with the fabulist Southern literary tradition - part Flannery O'Connor, part Johnny Cash - to tell a wild and haunting tale of the power of true love.