Year: 2000
USA: First Look Pictures
UK: Metrodome
Cast: Eric Bana, Simon Lyndon, Vince Colosimo, David Field, Dan Wyllie, Bill Young, Kenny Graham, Kate Beahan, Renee Brack, Gregory Pitt, Richard Sutherland, Garry Waddell, Andrew Dunn, Caleb Cluff, Hilton Henderson, Fred Barker, Alan Close, Mark Stratford, Carl Price, Brian Mannix, Johnnie Targan, Robert Rabiah, Sam Houli, Sarah Jane King, Serge Liistro, Pam Western, Peter Hardy, Skye Wansey, Annalise Emtsis, Marcus Taylor, Ernie Gray, David Paterson, Fletcher Humphrys, Terry Willesee
Director: Andrew Dominik
Country: Australia
USA: 93 mins
UK: 94 mins
UK Certificate: 18 for frequent strong violence, coarse language, and some drug use
UK Release Date: 24 November 2000


CHOPPER is inspired by the books of Mark Brandon 'Chopper' Read (Eric Bana), arguably Australia's most infamous former criminal. An original screenplay by writer/director Andrew Dominik, CHOPPER draws on police records, court transcripts, news coverage and interviews with prisoners, police and prison workers who knew Chopper Read.

Eric Bana plays the title character, in his first major dramatic role. CHOPPER is not a bio-pic, but a bold, blackly comic character study about a self-proclaimed "national icon ". A multi-sided examination of the pathology of a complex and violent man, a man who becomes a cult figure thanks to a colourful imagination and a wicked, old-world sense of humour.