Year: 2000
USA: Artisan Entertainment
UK: Momentum Pictures
Cast: Kim Director, Jeffrey Donovan, Erica Leerhsen, Tristen Skylar, Stephen Barker Turner
Director: Joe Berlinger
Country: USA
USA Rated: R for violence, language, sexuality and drug use
UK Certificate:15
UK: 90 mins
USA Release Date: 27 October 2000
UK Release Date: 27 October 2000


BOOK OF SHADOWS: BLAIR WITCH 2 takes place in present-time Burkittsville after the events chronicled in the Blair Witch project about a group of young film makers who went into the woods to do a film about the Blair Witch legend never to reappear.

Now four young people have signed up on the net for a tour of the Black Hills the latest Blair Witch-inspired moneymaker dreamed up by Jeff Patterson (who has apparently suffered from mental problems in the past). They set up camp near the foundation of the house that belonged to Ruskin Parr, the old loner who was hanged for the murders of seven children, a crime that bore the mark of the Blair Witch.

In the morning the campers awake with no memory of having gone to sleep and five hours stolen from their lives. They return to Jeff's residence , an abandoned 19th century warehouse, at the edge of Burkittsville, to try to discover what's happened. The strange occurrences though don't end with that fateful night, too late, they realise that when they left the woods they didn't leave alone.