Year: 2008
USA: Sony Pictures Classics
Cast: Ross Partridge, Steve Zissis, Greta Gerwig, Elise Muller, Jett Garner, Anthony Cristo, Cass Naumann, Jennifer Lafleur, Stephanie Huettner
Directors: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Country: USA
USA: 84 mins
USA Rated: R for language, some sexual content and nudity
USA Release Date: 25 July 2008 (Limited Release - New York and Los Angeles)


Whilst on set of the Duplass brothers last feature THE PUFFY CHAIR, one of the crew asked everyone what was the scariest thing they could think of. When a guy with a bag on his head staring n your window was an almost immediate reply it was met with both derision and agreement and spawned the idea for their next feature BAGHEAD.

Taking a 'guy with a bag on his head for the premise of this movie, the Duplass brothers have come up with a funny, truthful and endearing film that just might be a little bit scary too!