Year: 2004
USA: Walt Disney Pictures
Cast: Roudy Roudebush, Marc Savoy, Ann Savoy, Minnie Yancey, George Woodard, Ben Cohen, Ed Holt, Ace Barnes, James Tuppin, Weirton Steelworkers, Waltham Rock Band, John 'Yac' Yacobellis, James Andrews, Troy Andrews, Paul Stone, Patty Wagstaff, Amelia Rudolph, Dan Klennert, Charles Jimmie Sr, David Krakauer, The Vazquez Brothers, Michael Bennett, Erik Weihenmayer, Rev Cecil Williams, Rick Hoyt, Dick Hoyt
Director: Louis Schwartzberg
Country: USA
USA: 84 mins
USA Release Date: 2 July 2004 (Limited Release)


American is a vast country, 3000 miles from end to end, but it's not the land that makes America so special, it's the people. Filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg packed up his camera and hit the road, with a goal of capturing both the unparalleled beauty of the land and the incomparable spirit of the people. Through AMERICA'S HEART AND SOUL, he gives you the chance to meet ordinary Americans with extraordinary stories. The film is a celebration of a nation told through the voices of its people.