Volume 1

Year: 2007
UK DVD: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Cast: (voices) Sam Vincent, Chiara Zanni, Brian Drummond, Matt Hill, Cathy Weseluck
Director: Asaph Fipke; Steve Ball
UK: 107 mins
UK Certificate: PG contains mild violence
UK DVD Release Date: 25 August 2008

Cutting edge animation and a thrilling story combine to great effect with children's favourite Storm Hawks, the second highest rated show on the Cartoon Network.

In Atmos, thousands of islands of rock called Terras shoot up from the clouds, each housing a variety of strange creatures and societies.

Their only defence from an invading evil empire is a squadron of fearless Sky Knights who patrol the roads and skies with their powerful transforming vehicles, shifting from easy rider to easy glider at the flick of a switch.

The Storm Hawks were the most legendary of all the Sky Knights until they were taken out by the dark forces invading the Terras.

Now, with the threat of invasion looming again, it is up to five fearless teenagers to take up the Storm Hawks' mantle once again to save everything they hold dear.


Character Featurettes
Weapons Featurettes
Bonus Game Level