Season 3

From Chris Carter, the creator of the X-Files, MILLENNIUM is a spellbinding series about the struggle between forces of good and evil at the end of the 20th Century. Lance Henriksen (Alien Vs Predator, The Terminator) is Frank Black, an ex-FBI agent whose ability to enter the minds of killers has led to him being employed by the mysterious Millennium Group as a criminal profiler. Through his work, he gains an incredible insight into the roots of human evil and the powerful forces that are constantly fighting against it.

MILLENNIUM Season 3 finds Frank moving to Washington D.C., along with his daughter Jordan (Brittany Tiplady), to become a consultant for his old bosses at the FBI. He is assigned to work closely with a new young female FBI agent, Emma Hollis (Klea Scott, Collateral). Frank is to be her mentor and partner and together, Frank and Emma must fight to discover the secrets and motivation of the Millennium Group that Frank has been involved with for so long.

This 6-disc set features an in-depth 42-minute featurette: "Endgame: The Making of Millennium Season 3". Also included is a 13-minute featurette: "Between The Lines". Rounding off the extras are commentaries on 2 episodes by Lance Henriksen and Klea Scott and one by director Tom Wright.


Certificate: 18
Feature running time: Each episode approx. 45 minutes
Language: English
Subtitle: English Hard Of Hearing, Italian, Swedish
Original Aspect Ratio: 1.78 (16x9FF)
Sound Quality: English 2.0


Disc 1:
The Innocents ...

Disc 2:
Thirteen Years Later
Skull And Bones
Through A Glass Darkly
Human Essance

Disc 3:
Borrowed Time
Collateral Damage
The Sound of Snow

Disc 4:
Forcing the End
Saturn Dreaming of Mercury

Disc 5:
Darwin's Eye
Bardo Thodol
Seven And One

Disc 6:
Via Dolorosa
Goodbye to All That

Commentary on The Innocents by Lance Henriksen and Klea Scott
Commentary on Collateral Damage by Tom Wright
Commentary on Goodbye to All That by Lance Henriksen and Klea Scott
Featurette: "Endgame: The Making of Millennium Season 3" (42mins)
Featurette: "Between The Lines" (13mins)